GREETINGS in Japanese
Everyday Greetings:
No. Japanese・ Romaji English
1 Ohayoo Gozaimasu
おはようございまず Good morning
2 Konnichiwa
こんにちは Good afternoon
3 Konbanwa
こんばんは Good evening
4 Oyasuminasai
おやすみなさい Good night
5 Ogenki desuka
おげんきですか How are you?
6 Okage samade
おかげさまで Fine, thank you, (I’m fine)
7 (Kyoowa) Dochira e
きょうは どちらえ How are you? (Where are you going, today?)
8 Chotto soko e (or sokomade)
ちょっとそこえ (そかまで) Fine, thank you. (I’m just going there.)
9 (Soreja) mata
それじゃまた Then, see you again
10 Sayoonara
さようなら Good bye
11 (Soredawa) gokigenyoo
それでは (Then), have a nice day.
12 (Soredawa) Shitsuree itashimasu
しつれいいたします (Then), may I be excused.